
BrainTool: Manage Your Online Life

We’re all overwhelmed with links and tabs as we do more and more of our work and play in a web browser. BrainTool helps you tame your tabs and curate your bookmarks.

Check it out at or contact for more information.

MetaOnco: UI meets ML for Clinical Data Abstraction

Using rapidly evolving Machine Learning techniques to augment battle tested best practices in User Interface design, Workflow Automation, and Healthcare InterOp, MetaOnco augments human knowledge workers performing clinical data abstraction and transformation.

This allows the information content inherent in healthcare data to be annotated and leveraged beyond its original purpose.


Health Value Pipelines

Health Value Pipelines are threads of value woven into the healthcare ecosystem by way of data processing and information creation, both by humans and intelligent automations, and by collaborations between the two. See



A Palindromic Tip is where both the tip and total amounts read the same forward and backward. Fun-tipper is a fun little app that finds them. Can you find one before checking the app? Try it the next time you are dining out. Check it out and pin it to your home screen:

Cost $72.38
Tip $17.71
Total $90.09